Our Mission: Highlighting Innovations by showcasing breakthroughs in cancer research, including diagnostic tools, therapies, and preventive measures.


The development of the HPV vaccine and enhanced screening techniques like liquid-based cytology have drastically reduced the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer worldwide.

Global Trends

Cancer Treatment Kills Tumors Using Sound And Water

In what medical experts are calling a potential game-changer, a new FDA-approved treatment uses highly-focused soundwaves to destroy cancer cells. This innovative approach, known as histotripsy, offers several advantages over traditional radiation and radiofrequency ablation treatments, providing hope for patients with limited options.

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Proton therapy is a softer approach to fighting cancer

Cancer treatment has come a long way in recent years, with researchers working tirelessly to find methods that are both effective and less harsh on patients. One of the most promising advancements is proton therapy, a type of radiation treatment that targets cancer cells with remarkable precision while sparing healthy tissues. This gentler approach is […]

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