Cellular Research
Explore the latest developments in cellular research, including stem cell therapy, regenerative medicine, and innovative approaches to treating diseases at the cellular level.

Rapid Gene Test Aids Brain Cancer Surgery
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26, 2025 (HealthDay News) — A rapid experimental genetic test can help guide the hands of surgeons as they delicately remove tumors from patients with brain cancer, new research suggests.

Study indicates that exercise can help colon cancer survivors live as long as matched individuals
Physical activity may help colon cancer survivors achieve long-term survival rates similar to those of people in the general population, according to a study published in Cancer.

Tardigrade proteins show promise in cancer care
Patients undergoing radiation therapy experience debilitating side effects because of toxicity arising from radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in normal peritumoral cells.

Widely used diabetes drug could fight cancer, study finds
Metformin is widely used to manage type 2 diabetes, but new research suggests it may also help the immune system fight cancer. A study from the University of Helsinki, published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, has uncovered how metformin can boost immune cells, making them better at recognizing and attacking cancer cells.

6 Pain Relief Tips for Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer
Not all men with advanced prostate cancer experience pain, but many will, particularly if the cancer has spread to the bones.

Cancerous breast tissue glows in new AI-enhanced MRI images
Imaging technology developed and refined at the University of Waterloo promises better detection and treatment of breast cancer by more accurately pinpointing cancerous tissue.

Experimental vaccine for common cancer shows potential in clinical trial
At Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) in New York, an experimental approach to treating the cancer with a messenger RNA (mRNA)-based therapeutic vaccine “continues to show potential” in reducing the risk of the disease returning after surgery, according to a press release.

AI-driven blood analysis may spur cancer detection, Hong Kong prenatal test pioneer says
Affordable cancer screening may be available to Hong Kong residents within three years, as advances in artificial intelligence (AI) make the early detection of malignant tumours easier and faster, according to the creator of a pioneering prenatal test for Down syndrome.

Groundbreaking Trial Involving 700,000 Women Kicks Off After AI Predicts Breast Cancer Five Years Early
Thousands of women will participate in a study to see if AI could be used for early breast cancer detection. Around 700,000 women in the UK will take part in the AI breast cancer trial, according to the DHSC. Thirty testing sites will be involved in the study, each fitted with groundbreaking AI digital screening technology. Any woman who has already booked a routine breast cancer screening with NHS will be invited to participate in the study.

Cold therapy can reduce nerve pain in breast cancer patients
A new study led by researchers at the George Washington University Cancer Center has found that cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, can help protect breast cancer patients from nerve pain caused by chemotherapy.

PAC-MANN diagnoses early-stage pancreatic cancer with 85% accuracy
Scientists at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) have developed a new blood test for pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of the disease. Tests showed up to 85% accuracy in detection, even in early stages.

Combining protein therapy and focused ultrasound therapy can improve cancer treatment
Combining an existing small-molecule protein therapy called tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) with focused ultrasound (FUS) can significantly reduce tumor size and burden in prostate cancer models, according to a new study published in Advanced Science by researchers at Rice University and Vanderbilt University.