Our Mission: Highlighting Innovations by showcasing breakthroughs in cancer research, including diagnostic tools, therapies, and preventive measures.


Innovations in imaging technologies like PSMA PET scans and advancements in hormone therapy have enhanced detection and treatment options, particularly for metastatic cases.

Artificial Intelligence

AI could detect cancer in abdomen early, study finds

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an essential tool in medical imaging, helping radiologists analyze scans faster and more accurately. However, AI models need a massive amount of labeled data to work well, which means radiologists still spend a lot of time marking images manually.

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Bio Spectrum Asia

Accelerating Cancer Treatment with Precision Medicine & NGS

Asia accounts for nearly half of global cancer cases, making it a major health concern. Recognising the promise of precision oncology, governments across the region have initiated efforts to drive advancements in this space. Let’s take a closer look at the progress being made in precision oncology in the Asia Pacific region.

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