Our Mission: Highlighting Innovations by showcasing breakthroughs in cancer research, including diagnostic tools, therapies, and preventive measures.

Minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment shows success in first patient

Bill Faulkner had long approached prostate cancer testing with skepticism. For almost a decade, the 73-year-old had avoided the prostate-specific antigen test because of concerns about over-diagnosis; over-treatment; and, most of all, the potentially life-altering side effects of invasive surgical treatments.

Common malaria drug repurposed to fight cancer

Can a drug that’s used to treat malaria be repurposed to fight cancer? Researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso have secured a patent for the anti-malarial drug pyronaridine to do just that. Pyronaridine has been used to treat the mosquito-borne infectious disease for over 30 years.

Study finds new potential for prostate cancer immunotherapy

A new study by University of Arizona Health Sciences researchers found that an immunotherapy previously shown to be ineffective against prostate cancer may have therapeutic potential when combined with a synergistic treatment approach. The paper was published in the journal Cancer Immunology Research.

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