Our Mission: Highlighting Innovations by showcasing breakthroughs in cancer research, including diagnostic tools, therapies, and preventive measures.

Light-activated compound offers hope for overcoming drug resistance in cancer treatment

A research team affiliated with UNIST has unveiled an innovative technology to eliminate drug-resistant cancer cells using light. Professors Tae-Hyuk Kwon and Duyoung Min from the Department of Chemistry at UNIST, alongside Professor Taiho Park from POSTECH, have created a photoreactive compound capable of suppressing autophagy in cancer cells—one of the key mechanisms contributing to resistance against anticancer therapies.

Disrupting the RBM42 protein could throw a wrench in the gears of cancer’s growth

For decades, scientists have tried to stop cancer by disabling the mutated proteins that are found in tumors. But many cancers manage to overcome this and continue growing. Now, UCSF scientists think they can throw a wrench into the fabrication of a key growth-related protein, MYC, that escalates wildly in 70% of all cancers. Unlike some other targets of cancer therapies, MYC can be dangerous simply due to its abundance.

AI-supported breast cancer screening—new results suggest even higher accuracy

New research results now published from Lund University’s MASAI trial are even better than the initial findings from last year: AI-supported breast screening detected 29% more cases of cancer compared with traditional screening. More invasive cancers were also clearly detected at an early stage using AI. Now the final part of the research study will focus on breast cancer missed by screening.

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